What is the right way to do charity? It is a strange thought. Surely all charity is good, right? But not necessarily. Often, we can do more harm than good when we give without thinking about what people need. When we listen to communities first, and help to support them in creating the solutions they ask for, change can become sustainable and truly meaningful.
For anyone who wants to build a better future, you have to do your research.
Not only personal research, but also ask people in the field.
This position has really restored my faith in humanity. There are so many wonderful people on the ground who are a wealth of knowledge who can help and guide you.
Also, understand the why. There are so many people who have great ideas, but if you don’t get the why, it won’t be sustainable. The why makes all the difference. As long as you stick by that and have a core set of values, then you can’t go wrong. People are chasing 000’s, but we also need to redefine what success look likes.
At The Sparkle Foundation, success doesn’t look like the amount of money we raise, it’s about the number of lives that we change. That must be at the centre of the why.